In the news: Epworth Investment Management divests from all oil & gas stocks

David Palmer

“The CFB and Epworth have long been committed to engaging with companies around issues that negatively impact the poor and God’s creation. The pace of change across the oil and gas sector has been inadequate and we welcome the recommendation of JACEI to disinvest.” David Palmer, Chief Executive Officer

30 April 2021

Epworth Investment Management Limited and its parent, The Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church have sold their remaining company holdings in the oil and gas sector, including Royal Dutch Shell.

This follows advice received from the Methodist Church’s Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment (“JACEI”) in April 2021, that no companies in the sector are currently aligned with the climate change targets set out by the 2015 Paris Accord.

For over three years, JACEI has been assessing companies in the oil and gas sector against the targets set by the Paris Accord using a number of metrics. The Methodist Church recognised the climate emergency at its 2019 Conference and is in the process of determining how it might bring forward to 2030 its commitment to achieve net zero emissions.

Revd Dr Stephen Wigley, Chair of JACEI, commented:

“The Committee has determined that the slow pace of corporate change means that the oil and gas sector is failing to meet the targets set by the Paris Accord. Shell, along with its peers, is currently failing to play a substantial enough role in addressing the climate emergency.”

David Palmer, Chief Executive, commented:

“The CFB and Epworth have long been committed to engaging with companies around issues that negatively impact the poor and God’s creation. The pace of change across the oil and gas sector has been inadequate and we welcome the recommendation of JACEI to disinvest.”

For all press queries related to Epworth please contact:

Jason Ochere and Alasdair Lennon
Tel: 44 (0) 207 379 5151